Student Participation Channels
Students can have their voices heard through the university's management and representation bodies. Below is a selection of some of the representation bodies for the Nursing and Physiotherapy programmes. For information on other representation bodies, please click on the following: link
Board of the Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy
Up to ten nursing students and five physiotherapy students can sit on the Board, representing 50% of the number of lecturers on the faculty board from each of the degree programmes in the faculty.
Student representatives from the official master programmes in the Faculty or School will also sit on the board, up to a maximum of three, chosen by students themselves. Their term lasts two years.
The Board of the Faculty is responsible for:
- Establishing the centre's policies and objectives based on UIB quality policies and monitoring their performance.
- Electing the heads of quality and the members of the Quality Assurance Committee for each of the centre's programmes.
- Promoting the creation of enhancement teams to deal with issues requiring improvements.
- Leading the corresponding activities for internal quality assurance (SGIQ).
- Approving the annual SCIQ monitoring reports for each of the programmes, which are then submitted to the university quality assurance committee (CQUIB).
- Approving the improvement plans that come out of the CGQ analysing the SGIQ results.
- Reviewing the validity and effect of the programmes based on the directives in RD 1393/2007.
Department Committees
The department committee may have representation from students registered on the subjects taught by the department. For the Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy, the maximum representation is four bachelor students and one postgraduate student. Their term lasts two years.
As stated in the UIB Statutes, their responsibilities cover:
- Electing and, where applicable, removing the head of the department.
- Approving the activity plan for the department.
- Issuing the reports set out in article 61 of the Statutes.
- Proposing contract staff agreements to the Governing Council and members of the corresponding contract committees in accordance with current regulations.
- Approving the department's annual activity report.
- Approving the distribution and management of resources assigned to the department.
- Providing prior notice of awarding venia docendi.
- Being heard before approval of its operating regulations by the Governing Council.
- Proposing changes to curricula to faculties or schools without prejudice to the responsibilities granted to the faculty or school boards.
- Being heard in the assignation of panel members set to judge doctoral theses.
- Approving the annual course plan proposals from lecturing staff in the faculty.
- Proposing work or other investments to improve service.
- Managing the spaces assigned to it in accordance with the university's teaching and research requirements.
Credit Recognition and Transfer Committee (CRITC)
One student from the Degree in Nursing and one from the Degree in Physiotherapy may sit on the CRICT. These representatives must be selected by the faculty board.
The CRICT is responsible for deciding on credit recognition and transfer requests, producing and proposing supplementary accreditation tables to those already in place, or to the legally established procedures, to the faculty responsible for the programme for approval. This is done to facilitate the process and make it transparent. It also issues the reports required where there are appeals against its decisions.
The committee must meet at least twice during the academic year.
Quality Assurance Committee (CGQ)
One student from each of the degree programmes may sit on the CGQ for each degree and are chosen by the faculty board or by the management body for the master programme.
The CGQ is a permanent body that assures the quality of official programmes and their correct implementation, management and coordination, as well as monitoring activities related to the internal quality assurance system for each degree.
The CGQ of each programme must analyse and take into account any complaints or suggestions received, student satisfaction and that of other members of the university community, the results of external placements and job placements, as well as graduate satisfaction, employer opinions, etc. when making its proposals.
Design and Development Committee for New Degree Programmes (CED)
Once student chosen by the faculty board may sit on the CED. This person does not need to be a member of the faculty board.
The CED is responsible for:
- Designing and developing the curriculum.
- Producing the report for requesting official bachelor degrees in accordance with appendix 1 of RD 1393/2007 and by using the computer application (VERIFICA programme) developed by the Council of Universities and ANECA.